Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Amigurumi Fun!

I am an amigurumist.

That is, I crochet small animal replicas.  My favorites are always the realistic ones.  I am actually a rarity in the crochet world.  Most that make 'toys' actually prefer to focus on food items as they tend to be simpler, requiring less stitching on the whole.  And other crocheters seem to prefer apparel and/or home goods to amigurami.  I will admit, there are times when I wish I preferred something else myself... particularly when I'm faced with the stitching neatly of more than a dozen smaller parts!  It's usually worth it in the end, of course.  And my little niche gives me a unique advantage locally since I have never met another person that does what I do.

The real difference for me is that I hide nothing.  In truth, I would encourage others to emulate me!  I know the items I make are of a nice quality and I price accordingly.  If someone else wishes to 'take a shot' at making the items I make they would still have a long ways to go, even with the same pattern, because I have been doing this for many years and I am a perfectionist.  A trait that I've found goes very well with this type of art.  Still, I'm happy to share my basic methods and sources for eyes and thread with others.  I might even tell them from where I got patterns (if applicable), but I never sell patterns.

I am confident in my ability.