Monday, February 9, 2009

Rabbits Bred / Evil Doe

After a show is the best time to breed does, because the slight stress tends to put them in a more receptive state. It's not so great for bucks though, something to do with scents I suppose. Anyway, I took advantage of this opportunity to get a lot of the does that were old enough to bear litters bred. The following were bred on Sunday:

White Rex to Jasper (terminal breeding)
Choc Rex to Jasper (terminal breeding)
Cal Rex to Jasper (terminal breeding)
...Jasper was a busy boy!

Baby Blue to Evan (Mini-rex breeding... colors are anyone's guess!)
Adam to Eve (BEW breeding)

I had picked up a new chin buck, Palmer, but want to let him settle in and bulk up a little before trying him with the ladies.

I also attempted to breed my eldest's doe to her buck. I didn't really believe how evil this doe was until now. The thing BIT me in the center of my right palm cutting a large hole. While it's not deep, it is painful. That rabbit has now earned itself a short leash. If she produces no babies or is not at least expecting by the next show, she will be going. I don't put up with that kind of nonsense from any rabbit.

On the other hand, there are 2 rabbits expecting litters this Friday. Wish them luck!

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