Friday, March 6, 2009


Yesterday evening, coming back into the house I tripped over a baby toy with my right foot. The concrete was wet and slick, my left foot couldn't find a purchase to keep me upright. I went down hard, though not as hard as I might have since I grabbed the arm of the glider on the way down, though I think I broke it. I hit my right knee fairly hard (I've broken that one before). I was sitting on the wet concrete banging on the door trying to get the kids' attention (zombie kids watching TV). My eldest finally came out and ran to get DH, who was at the neighbor's house working on their TV.

DH & neighbor (former EMT) came racing over to check on me. After about 5 minutes I finally got them to get me up off the cold/wet concrete and into the house. I convinced them I didn't need the ER as I didn't think it was seriously damaged. I iced it up the rest of the evening. Today I woke up to a VERY sore knee of an interesting shade of purple. :lol: I also have a bruise on my right side (probably where I hit the glider). My back and neck have been sore all day almost like the aftereffects of a car crash. And while my stomach muscles are sore, I think it's still from the coughing and not the fall.

It's interesting what kind of damage women can do when they are trying to prevent damage to the belly.

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