Saturday, June 13, 2009

Soapmaking Tribulations

I've been reading about soap-making (the old-fashioned way) for several weeks now, and I am enthralled. However, I've been getting equipment together, locating supplies, and trying to figure out what recipe to try out first. What I really need to find is a good forum of helpful people. However, this seems to be somewhat lacking. One forum I found is all but defunct on the admin side, I've been waiting a week to be approved for posting. Another is actually only a small section within a larger forum and not well visited by experts. I have questions, concerns, worries, ideas, and no one with whom I can really discourse about them.

It's how it was with rabbits all those years ago. And I won't deny that I made a lot of mistakes that could have probably been avoided had I had others to assist, suggest, and mentor. With the internet these days, one wouldn't expect it to be this hard to find recent information and knowledgeable people, but in this one area it appears to be just that.

The frustrating part is that most of the recipes I have (from books) yield a LOT of soap per batch and require rather hefty amounts of ingredients, some of which are a tiny bit on the pricey side of things. Knowing my family and my ability to market, I need recipes to yield smaller amounts of finished product. I suppose I could go browsing through the internet, however that is just so tedious and time-consuming. So I'll resort to that measure only at the utmost end of need.

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