Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rabbitry Update

In the rabbitry there are:

3 HL bucks (hmm, need to sell one... or two)
5 HL does
3 AFL bucks (need to sell one of these too)
4 AFL does
2 ML bucks (one of these will probably go)
3 ML does (one of these will probably go)
2 ES bucks (1 will go)
2 ES does
2 Rex does (both will go)
1 JW doe
3 HV bucks (up for sale)
2 HV does (up for sale)
5 MR bucks (will sell at least 1 or 2 of these)
17 (or so) MR does (a few will go)
1 BH buck
2 adult mix does (1 will go)
3 jr mix rabbits (all will go)

I think that's about it... lots needing to be culled back for the winter hold-over.

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