Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Sometimes I wonder why I belong to certain forums. Most of the 'mom' boards I am on are affiliated in some small way with my business. Ergo, I cannot go airing out dirty laundry on them, no matter how great the frustration or the temptation. For similar reasons, Facebook also cannot be the ground on which I release enmity. I wouldn't on a rabbit board, as it's rarely relevant to the lives and interests of those therein. That leaves merely this blog, of which I'm fairly sure I have the merest few actually perusing it. Some might say, "hang the forums and Facebook! Say what you mean and mean what you say!"

The truth though is that I may very well need some kind of professional reputation and sincerely cannot afford to have that jeopardized in any way, least of all through childish and immature tantrums, thrown only in the name of releasing the mild burden resting upon my shoulders.

Once more, I am no longer under the employment umbrella. I had been so relieved to be working again, though deep down I felt I knew it couldn't or wouldn't last. I'm honestly not even sure why. Some might say that I may even have brought it down upon myself as a result of my expectations, though I might argue that case. I am waiting now to see what will happen with regards to unemployment, though I am not holding out much hope for it to be granted. Therefore I have been searching feverishly for some alternative. Up to and including what some may consider to be 'alternate' employment. I genuinely don't care what one would call it, if it can pay my bills each month, put food in my childrens' and rabbits mouths, then I will be well satisfied.

It's funny how my expectations have dropped over the years. I once held a very profitable position with a long-standing corporation. It was lost through no fault of my own, just simple bureaucracy. I hold a masters of science and a few upper-level management positions with extensive training, and yet I cannot find gainful employment. Ah well, tomorrow is another day. Here's hoping I can keep everything afloat as long as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about your job. Hopefully you are able to find a new job soon. I'm frustrated at the lack of available positions to me, I can't imagine how you must feel with a family to care for. *hugs*
