Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Circle

Around and around we go!  Ever really paid attention to the turn of time?  Probably not, I doubt anyone, except perhaps dead philosophers, doctorates, and myself, really give it more than just a passing thought every now or again.  But I seem to be frequently, although not constantly, confronted by the passage of time, and not merely across the face that confronts me in the mirror each day.  I was glancing back through past posts on this blog and can barely believe that I have been writing here for so long, though not frequently.  And yes, I'm aware that it's not a popular blog, but that honestly doesn't bother me.  In truth, I would be unlikely to care if never a single person perused the words written herein.  I don't write for others' amusement here, but for myself.

I find the more time passes, the more quickly it tends to pass, as is customary.  However, I suppose I was not fully prepared for the occasional confusion that goes along with the rapid movement of time through our lives.  I find myself thinking about things I have done or received and try to pinpoint how long I had been doing or had that particular event or item.  Therein lies the confusion, for I mark the passage of time by the seasons.  Then I find myself realizing that not one, but two or more of that particular season may have passed since I had performed that task or received that item.  It makes things rather difficult for me.

So, for instance, my rabbits are older than I had believed.  My garden has been submitted to more furrowing than previously thought. 

Then I stop, not so much to marvel, but to wonder: is this all there is for me?  And am I satisfied with the answer.

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