Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Feed Troubles

I had begun shopping for feed intermittently at a different supply store, a TSC that had opened up about 15-20 minutes away. I did a feed price comparison to my mill, and they were just $.50 higher than the mill on their rabbit chow and similarly compared with all the other feeds I buy. Now granted, the rabbit feed from the store was a smaller pellet, but the pellet was not as nicely green or obviously fresh as the mill feed. The rabbits did alright with it however, so I was prepared to accept the difference and switch fully to the other feed taking travel costs into account. However (isn't there always a down side to everything these days?!) when I got to the feed store the other day, I was utterly dismayed to discover there had been a significant price increase.

The rabbit feed that had been $10.49 suddenly appeared beneath a price tag showing it as $13.89!!! More than a $3 jump in price! I was flabbergasted (how often does one get to use THAT word in conversation! LOL), I even had an employee verify with the manager that it was accurate. She confirmed the substantial rise in price. I warned her that she would probably lose a significant portion of her business because of increases like that and suggested she pass along my complaints to higher-ups in the company. The thing about stores like those is the employees, even the management, has almost no control over anything in the store, they're just puppets.

So I put all the feed back in it's proper place and headed down to the mill instead... where I was informed they're prices had NOT increased even a single cent! LOL I proceeded to purchase my regular feed. I suppose I'll never get everything I want, however I will continue to search for the best deals.

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