Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Summer!

The first day of summer was yesterday.  I almost missed it!  The gardens are coming along, beans and potatoes are up.  In fact, most of the seeds I planted early have germinated.  I hadn't really paid close enough attention to the most recent planted seeds. 

The one baby pigeon I'd had born didn't make it, but a second from a different set of parents is doing very well.  Had a new litter of baby rabbits born from a much desired pairing of mother to son.  Out of 6 offspring, 4 are red (not desirable) and 2 are agouti.  Lost one to idiocy, he fell out of the nest and tried to crawl through the cage bars.  There he got stuck and was lost.  So 5 babies remaining, 2 potential candidates with the correct color base.

I moved the Splash Marans into a private run, and picked up a Wheaton Maran hen to go with them.  Not exactly a compatible color, but I'm very much concerned about the splash Marans hen's leg conformation.  She's very badly cow-hocked and since I don't know whether that will be genetic, I wanted a backup hen.  Splash aren't exactly common around here just now, so the second-best option was to go with the wheaton color.  I'll still need to come up with a coop idea for the Aracauna's and the Welsummers, when they are all a little bigger.

Anyway, it's late, I'm tired... Have you ever noticed how when your hands are busy and your mind free to wander, you can come up with some of the oddest ideas, but they are often lost before getting the chance to jot them down.  I had some real interesting thoughts earlier, but can't seem to recall a single idea now.  Ah well.

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