Friday, July 6, 2012


The real meaning of "neighbor" is someone who goes out of their way to look out for and look after the families and property of the people that live in the house next to them.  It's gathering to gossip in the street.  They watch your house when you are away, water your flowers, sometimes mow your lawn.  Help you cut down fallen trees after a storm and gratefully offer part of the wood in exchange, warn you about unsavory individuals walking down the road, and share produce from the garden.  A "neighbor" is someone who keeps an eye on you at all times, not because they are nosy, but because they genuinely care about you.  A 'neighbor' will run an extension cord from their house to yours and lend you their industrial fan when you've gone without power for 3 days and just can't take the 100+ heat anymore,  A 'neighbor' laughs with you and sometimes at you, celebrates your family's triumphs, and mourns with you over losses.  They take care of you when you're young and just starting out and you take care of them when they are older and having trouble getting around.

I love my neighbors.

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