Thursday, January 22, 2009

Breeding Update

Well... I'm still trying to get babies. Once every week I pull out the does and palpate. I'm generally good at palpating, if there's nothing to feel, I check to see if she's 'in the mood' and if so, she goes back to the buck. Generally, this will work eventually to get a doe pregnant. If, however, she reacts in an alarming manner toward the buck (grunting, squealing, running away, or biting him), I'll pull her quickly and give her another week, just to be sure. So far, this method seems to be working. Because even though it is the dead of winter, I now have 2 girls expecting litters, 2 that are questionable, and 3 bred (or re-bred).

These girls are expecting:
Niffler, by Samson (English Angoras), due Feb 5
Chincherub, by Evan (chin Mini-rex), due Feb 5

These girls are questionable:
Polo to Evan (chin MR)
Rena to Dynomite (HL)

These girls were re-bred:
Smoke to Evan (chin MR)
Eternity to Evan (seal MR)
Aruba to Momo (blue/black MR)

And then the Havana girl is still too fat to breed. It's a long hard struggle to get her back down to a broodable size. Her buck has turned into a food digger (PITA), and she's an inhaler. *sigh* I think we'll be looking for another doe at these next few shows. Meanwhile, I'll still be selling the Rex, but now I have to decide whether to keep the Angoras and try to sell the whole lot (parents and offspring), or sell the pair as a 'bred pair'. Ahh, decisions, decisions.

Incidentally, I don't believe there is anything more painful than rabbit scratches... especially on the knuckles and wrist. Ouch!!

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