Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yet Another Tuesday

*sigh* I really wish this would be the one day that could be deemed unnecessary in the grand scheme of weekdays. Most complain about Mondays, but my Mondays of late are relatively uneventful. It's those blasted Tuesdays that get me every time. Today was an early day, having to deal with dog issues at 7 in the morning is not exactly my favorite way to start off. Then the routine job search, there were a couple that I felt good about. Though simply because I have confidence in my ability to perform a job apparently does not always translate into my resume's ability to get by the computerized selectors. Because I have no doubts in my mind that most resume's are being sent through the proverbial grinder before a human being ever has to touch them or glance at them. I'm finding it difficult to get through these grinders, even when I find that the job would be perfect for me.

I'm not feeling too well either. A long week-end coupled with a long drive has made me feel quite 'under the weather' which is a completely silly phrase when you consider that you can feel that way regardless of the actual weather forecast. At any rate, perhaps a good does of echinacea coupled with a nap will make me feel more inclined to 'greet the day' as it were.

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