Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Billi's Best Spiced Applesauce

Since the applesauce recipe I found is kind of on the vague side, I thought I'd post one here that I've created that works out great every time (I've made several batches with it so far and they're wonderful every time). Here goes, you'll need:

1/4 bushel whole, fresh apples (don't ask me about weight, I rarely measure)
2 Large stock pots, at least 12 qt size
2.5 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1.5 C sugar
2 qt water
  1. Wash and quarter the apples, don't skin or core them
  2. Fill one of the stock pots to the brim with the apple quarters
  3. Add 2 qts of water
  4. Cover and cook at about medium or med-low until the apples have cooked down and are soft. Careful they don't boil over. Periodically push the top apples down with a flat wooden spatula and try to shift the ones on the bottom around so they don't stick
  5. Pour softened apples (may look like a really thick applesauce at this point) into a food mill over top the second pot to remove skins and seeds.
  6. Add 1.5 C sugar (if using a sweeter apple, this may not be necessary, I used a combination and they were slightly bitter, the sugar eliminates that bitterness)
  7. Add 1 tsp nutmeg and 2.5 tsp cinnamon
  8. Heat sauce to boiling, stirring constantly as it will tend to stick rapidly if you are inattentive.
  9. Once boil has been achieved, reduce heat to keep sauce at a simmer, cook for 5 minutes.
  10. Ladle sauce into hot jars, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Process 20 minutes in a boiling canner.
Sauce may also be enjoyed hot right from the pot!

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