Thursday, September 2, 2010

A new adventure: Homeschooled Preschool!

That's right, I have decided I will not allow my preschooler to fall behind other children her age. And while I am running a bit short on planning time, I'm going to start with a pre-set arrangement (in other words, a curriculum already written out) for the first week to give me some breathing room. My current plan is also to speak with the school she'll be attending to find out what skills they would expect the average kindergartner to possess. Then I will base my teachings on those expectations.

The most important aspects for preschool, in my personal opinion, are reading and writing (alphabet and name), counting, pattern recognition, shape, color, and basic animal recognition, art (crafts), music (singing and perhaps the piano), dexterity, physical capability, and expanded life skills. The most important thing for her though will be to have a structured day. However, it might sound simpler than it really will be since there is a wild card in all of this... the toddler. That's right! A barely toddling, into everything, make-a-mess-in-2-seconds-when-you-aren't-looking little brother! Of all those I've asked about it, no one I know has tried teaching a preschooler with a toddler underfoot. So if nothing else, this should be a true adventure. Most important for me will be to try and keep the television to an absolute minimum. For, while she does watch educational shows, they can't teach her everything I want her to learn. I will have to stay on track as much as possible. She will begin next Tuesday, when her sisters start their school.

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