Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Canning Peaches

First, just throw out and ignore every single video tutorial out there on the 'net trying to show how 'easy' it is to blanch peaches for canning or jam. It just simply does. not. work. Especially if the peaches you have are not quite completely ripe, and sometimes not even then. I was treading a fine line between ripe and rot and I still could not get those skins to slip off as they were supposed to do. I finally ignored the blanching aspect and just peeled them. Sadly it wasn't until I had tossed the peelings out for the chickens that I found a recipe that uses the peelings to make peach honey.

There are a few things that can be done with peaches, the first is to can them in a medium syrup. I made 2 different kinds, the first with honey and the second with just sugar. Both turned out nicely. I suppose you could also add a spice bag with a cinnamon stick, some cloves, and allspice to the boiling syrup for spiced peaches, and I may try that with a second batch. I also made a batch of spiced peach jam which turned out nicely.

I also discovered a good use for the leftover 'syrup' in the pot. By adding some maple flavoring and a little brown sugar, it became maple syrup. Thus any waste at all was completely eliminated!

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