Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fall/Winter Crops

Yep! It's that time of the year. A lot of the spring and summer crops have been harvested and either eaten or preserved and stored. Spring and summer fruits are likewise put up. Now is the time to re-till parts of the garden, pulling up the dying vines and stalks, and plant my fall and winter crops. On the agenda this season will be swiss chard, collards, carrots, broccoli, lettuce (maybe), radishes, and kholrabi.

The sunflower seeds are ready to be harvested and tomatoes are still giving fruit, though it won't be long until those will come out. We have one very nice looking pumpkin just turning orange and at least half a dozen NICE looking butternut squash. I purchased a bushel of apples and half a bushel of peaches to put up. Next week I may break down and buy half a bushel of beans to put up. I would like to have a variety of veggies and jams available this winter. The yams are growing well, however since they were a late addition to the garden, I'm giving them at least another month of growing time.

Next year I'm planning on turning over 2 large sections of the back of the garden and putting the melons, squashes, and cukes over there. The vines are just too invasive for me to like having them on the east side of the lot. And it gives me more room. Half a plot of tomatoes is good, I like having 2 rows of sunflowers. I may add some corn next year, the kids like it and several stalks came up this year anyway.

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